If equipped with factory automatic hubs a spindle nut conversion kit will be required. We offer the spindle nut conversion kits: AKM35-NUTS
Model 35, M35, Ranger & Explorer TTB IFS, Spindle Conversion - By Mile Marker
1990 Ford Bronco II
1990-1997 Ford Ranger
1990-1994 Ford Explorer
1990-1997 Mazda B4000- For use with Model 35, M35, DANA 35
- Ranger & Explorer TTB IFS
- Nitro Spindle Nut Conversion Kit For Manual Hubs
- Single Pair does both sides
Mile Marker/Selectro hubs, and Conversion Kits Limited Warranty
Mile Marker Industries warrants directly to the first purchaser that all Mile Marker Hub Part Numbers 427, 428, and all “Selectro Classic” models will be free from defect in material and workmanship appearing under normal use and service for a period of one year.
Mile Marker Industries warrants directly to the first purchaser that all Mile Marker Hub Part Numbers 460, 426, and 438 will be free from defect in material and workmanship appearing under normal use and service for a period of two years.
Mile Marker Industries warrants directly to the first purchaser that Mile Marker Locking Hub Part Numbers 104, 302, 420, 423, 430, 432, 435, 449SS, 459SS, 457, 466, 470, 481, and 490 will be free from defect in material and workmanship appearing under normal use and service for as long as said purchaser owns the locking hub.
Mile Marker Industries warrants directly to the first purchaser that all Mile Marker Conversion Kits will be free from defect in material and workmanship appearing under normal use and service for a period of one year, except for the Four Wheel Drive Chain included in some kits, which has a 90-day warranty.
Warranty registration cards for each product must be submitted at the time of purchase or within 30 days by the end user. If you discover a hidden defect, Mile Marker will, as its option, repair or replace the product or necessary replacement parts at no charge to you, provided you remove the product from the vehicle and return it prepaid to Mile Marker Industries. If the product was purchased in the United States, the owner must contact our warranty department to get a Return Goods
Authorization (RGA) Number before returning the product. If the product was purchased outside the United States, the owner must return the product to the original place of purchase.